Wednesday, June 10, 2009

See, Sounds, Smells & Safety!

To have a fun experience in the lab is to have the the rules of the Sci-monkey. Instead of hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil...... our Sci-monkey will hear all, see all, smell all and speak all.

Safety in the lab will allow your child to discover the wonders of Science. We will spend at least 40% of the Science class in the lab. We will try and get our hands full of the experiences of Science. Where are the fire blanket, the fire extinguisher, the fume hood and the eye wash station located? When are they to be used?

Here is a link for you to discover: This is an example of some of the safety procedures we will be covering in class.

Check out this site and see if you can match the action in the lab to the lab apparatus or tool:

Look at this picture and see how many rules of lab safety are being broken:

You should see 30 events of breaking the lab safety rules! Comment back to me and let me know how you liked the sites AND if you could find 15 of the 30 broken rules!

Now here was a scientist who educated the United States on the use of the DDT pesticide. She was able to start the scientific process of having the DDT pesticide banned: . Through her work, the United States was able to save hundred of thousands of lives by not exposing the population to DDT.

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